Siniša Kresojević
Bilateralni sastanci
- Novembar 4, 2015 (10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Outsourcing capabilities in web development
We are offering our outsourcing capabilities in web development
Very experienced team, with large number of realized projects in Europe, North America and Australia
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: (for requests only):
PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache platform
Sales Partners
Web development services
Web pages & applications custom made, or based on Word Press, Drupal, Ruby on Rails or our own developed CMS Genera (based on Cake PHP framework)
- Outsourcing saradnja
- Tehnicka saradnja
C# development
We have experienced team in developing Web and Windows client/server, n-tier applications. We offer partnership in your companies future projects.
- Outsourcing saradnja
Sales partners or distributors of our services and products
Join our team of partners.
Mobile Development services - Android
We provide software design and development services for
smartphones and tablet computers based on Android platforms.
Mobile development services - iOS
We are offering custom iPhone and iPad application development and consulting services adding value to the businesses of our clients. We have a team of professionals specializing in iPhone software development. We offer multiple services from just evaluation to full iPhone applications development.
- Outsourcing saradnja
Matchmaking Software TalkB2B
Conference and matchmaking software, offering wide range of possibilities for organizers, and easy to use interface for participants.
Extended to smart phones, offering participants to search and select meetings online and offline.
- Licenca prodaja
- Tehnicka saradnja
- Outsourcing saradnja
- Prodaja i distribucija